Monday, October 4, 2010

Lets Get the Party Started!

Today is the day! The book club officially gets under way. I'm very excited about it. Its starting small and I think that's a good thing. The book will be an excellent read to carry us through October. I understand everyone reads at their own pace and we all live busy lives. I also understand this will be a very loose format for a book club, but I think by it being online it allows for that. So, with that said Tuesday will be our official Book Club Day.

I will post on Tuesdays about the book and I encourage you guys to post comments about the book along the way - message board style. I really hope you get behind this book and enjoy the club. If you have any questions or input feel free to comment....Also, blog about the book and the club as well...the more the merrier!

Let the Book Club begin!

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