Thursday, April 28, 2011

Million Dollar Kathryn

Next up on Bravo's "Million Dollar Decorators" is none other than Kathryn Ireland. Kathryn really has one of the most comfortable aesthetics of the designers on the show. Her genius is the fact it seems as if a designer was never there.

I love her use of textures and layers, both keys in making a space feel warm and lived in. I think her style could be summed up as "bohemian chic". She's worked with numerous celebrities so it should be interesting what she brings to the show.

Below is a picture I found of Andy Cohen partying with some of the cast of "Million Dollar Decorators" along with "Real Housewife" Cindy Barshop. I'm a huge WWHL fan so I hope he brings the decorators on his show....I'm sure it would be good TV!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Million Dollar JAM

Today I'm showing the work of Jeffery Allan Marks. He will be featured on Bravo's new upcoming show "Million Dollar Decorators". I have to admit that I was not familiar with his work up to this point, but once I did some research I quickly realized I had seen his work in Elle Decor last year.

Everything came back to me very quickly once I saw the photos and I was able to put a designer with the images. I remember thinking that the hanging boat in the first photo was genius!

Jeffery's style is very relaxed and definitely a space one could live in and add to. His design perspective is what I would describe as a very relaxed, casual elegance. He has also done some beautiful commercial work as well.

I have a feeling that he will make for some good TV...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Million Dollar Mary

Over the next week I'm going to profile the designers of the upcoming Bravo show "Million Dollar Decorators". I can't express how excited I am for this show. I have said for some time now that there needed to be a reality show about this business because it would make great TV.

Today I have posted some work of Mary McDonald. She really is a phenomenal decorator in the sense she knows scale and color and how to combine the two. Scale is so important and being able to determine what a space needs is a key factor to any great space. Her bold use of color to accentuate the space is pure perfection.

Personally, I love Mary's draperies in all of her rooms. She combines multiple colors and layers to really add that unexpected punch all while making them seem completely effortless. She is an amazing decorator and I am so excited to get to see a glimpse into her process and business. I think she is going to be one of my faves...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What's not to love?

I love this space done by designer Todd Romano because:

I love me a velvet sofa.

I love me some lacquered walls.....and

I always love me a zebra rug.

So, whats not to love?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Being with Bunny

I had the most amazing opportunity this past weekend meet and speak with the legend....Bunny Williams. She was giving a lecture on her design business and how she sees design progressing in the future. Her stories were so refreshing, she was completely candid about her business and her design perspective.

She has a way of making you feel like your just at her house sharing a cup of coffee chatting. It was a complete honor just to hear lecture much less to speak with her. Her insight and knowledge about the design process is so impressive. She has the ability to de-construct a room unlike anyone I have ever seen. It was a wonderful experience to say the least.

Oh, and she shared one of the most candid stories of Sister Parrish I had ever heard....we were all rolling out of our seats in laughter!