Monday, April 25, 2011

Million Dollar Mary

Over the next week I'm going to profile the designers of the upcoming Bravo show "Million Dollar Decorators". I can't express how excited I am for this show. I have said for some time now that there needed to be a reality show about this business because it would make great TV.

Today I have posted some work of Mary McDonald. She really is a phenomenal decorator in the sense she knows scale and color and how to combine the two. Scale is so important and being able to determine what a space needs is a key factor to any great space. Her bold use of color to accentuate the space is pure perfection.

Personally, I love Mary's draperies in all of her rooms. She combines multiple colors and layers to really add that unexpected punch all while making them seem completely effortless. She is an amazing decorator and I am so excited to get to see a glimpse into her process and business. I think she is going to be one of my faves...


  1. I LOVE IT!! So exciting and it's gorgeous!! One day your going to be on that show!

  2. This show has me hooked, even though it's definitely a guilty pleasure. Mary is one of my favorites, and I can totally see how they could have based the character of Karen Walker on her.
