Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thoughts on Blogging

Its safe to say I could easily join these three today. Its Wednesday and it already feels like a full week. Yesterday, I was reading through a couple of blogs quickly and I happened on a post by Tommy of Specs Appeal and it really made me think. He was questioning why one blogs.

This is a question I have asked myself on a few occasions. For me, I always come back to inspiration and the idea that your able to express that inspiration in a medium with like minded people. Also, the fact that someone actually reads and comments is always a huge boost. My blog is small in comparison to many others and really my process of posting is a bit organic. I'm not at the place to take on advertisers or be offered anything of that nature, but I do see many blogs doing that as of late. I have to say in some cases it seems to change the blog and the personal feel is lost a bit for me, but I can see where in some cases it allows small business a means to advertise in a cost effective manner. I think it's all in the delivery and the way they are presented on the blog.

Plus, another reason I blog is it seems guy bloggers are few and far between and represent a different view in the blogosphere which I think is a nice addition. All in all my point is that my blog is just a small space that allows me to express whatever inspiration I come across on a day to day basis. Whether it be work related or something I've seen or read, it allows me a space to share in hopes that it might interest you the reader. I'm curious to know why you blog?


  1. I think inspiration (both sharing and discovering) is a great reason to's also a great way to clear your head of all the beautiful thoughts and images that get crowded in there. Great photo by the, why don't more men wear knee high argyle socks?

  2. Nice post. :) I guess you already know my thoughts, but for people who will see this comment, I have to say that I agree with you. Also, us blog-guys have to stick together.

  3. I just discovered your blog and yes there are fewer men bloggers, maybe just because there are fewer men period, I don't know, but we do need to stick together and I will follow you where ever you go.

  4. Hi,
    I'm a newbie to your blog. It's good to come across a male perspective, as you say, they are few and far between. I love your design picks. We don't have Million Dollar Makeover in the UK - yet! We do have Real Houwives of Orange County - OMG, are American women really like that!
    I shall check back regularly to see what you are up to.
