Monday, July 11, 2011

Hello bloggers, it's been a while.... my apologies. Summer seems to be in full motion and it's hard to believe that we are almost halfway through July. I hope all of you are having a great one! I have been quite busy on projects and all things work related. I squeezed in a vacation to CA and find myself still trying to play catch up. I have so many blogs to catch up on and hope to get back on the blogging train. On another note, have you guys been watching Million Dollar Decoraters? I have to say that with each passing episode they have become better and better. I really hate to see the season come to a close. I have become quite addicted and find myself watching the same episodes over and over....Thank you Bravo.... or should I say Your Welcome Bravo?


  1. Glad to hear you are busy!
    Yes, I watch and am addicted!
    Have a great and busy week.

  2. I have definitely been watching. It's my guiltiest pleasure so far this summer. :)
